Transferring ownership of media you uploaded

When you upload data and need to make someone else the Data Manager, but are not a proxy uploader for that person, you can still transfer ownership to the correct individual after the upload is completed.  This approach is most appropriate when you only have a couple scans that need to be managed by a different individual. It may also be required in any circumstances where the the target Data Manager does not feel comfortable or that it is appropriate to give proxy status to the Data Uploader.  The draw back of the using "transfers" instead of proxy uploading is that it is slower because it requires submitting a transfer request for each media that is created. The full process is described now:

Initiating and completing a Data Manager transfer:

I-Data Uploader initiates a request 

1) The Data Uploader should complete a media submission as normal.

2) The Data Uploader should click "Edit" on the upper right hand margin of the new media page.

3) The Data Uploader should click on the "Sharing" tab of the media edit page

4) Scroll down to the "transfers" section of the Sharing page

5) Search for the appropriate Data Manager (trying user name and/or email) and select it.

6) type a brief explanation of your reason for transferring (e.g., "I am transferring this management role to you because it is required by your scanning agreement")

7) Click submit request.

*see screenshot below - it shows a current Data Manager initiating a transfer request at bottom of screenshotted page.

II-Data Manager accepts request

1) The intended Data Manager will receive an email notification that a transfer request is pending

2) The intended Data Manager should log in to MorphoSource, go to the "transfers" tab on the left of the Dashboard, and accept/reject the transfer request.

  • there are several optional settings when accepting a request.  One option leaves the Data Uploader with editing rights to the media, the other removes the editing rights*

*IMPORTANT for new Data Managers 

Even if the Data Manager opts to remove the Data Uploader's editing rights, the Data Uploader may still retain editing rights via their membership in a Project/Team that also contains the media. See How to See Who Has User Roles for a Given Media.