Orders from ILL Requests

Scope: Describes origin and processing of rush orders generated through ILL requests.

Contact: Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisitions

Date last reviewed:

Date of next review:

If a title requested to Inter Library Loan is less than 2 years old, we place an order for the book.
Parameters for orders:
must be published in: the US, UK, Netherlands, Spain, or Switzerland
already in print, or close to publication
If the request is for a title no published in the countries above, email the Interlibrary Requests Assistant letting them know the order needs to be submitted to IAS.
Check the Rush Inbox in Outlook regularly for ILL Rush Requests.
Screenshot of email from ILL requests generating a rush order
Place a RUSH order in Alma using the ILL fund code, with a hold placed for the requesting patron.