Vendor Changes Workflow
Contact: Bethany Blankemeyer
Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions
Date last reviewed: 12/21/2017
Date of next review:
Vendor Changes Workflow
Below is the typical Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions Department workflow for processing vendor changes. In some cases, Serials & Retention Management staff also participates in this workflow since SRM staff complete cataloging of new databases. Many of the steps may not occur in the order in which they are listed below due to the context around each individual order. Workflows are separated out by format type.
Database Revend
Notice of a vendor change is received by ERSA staff.
Order Approver creates a new card using the appropriate template in the Vendor and Format Changes board in Trello and moves it to the Pending Requests list. The Order Approver adds the following information as relevant and available to the card description:
Subject specialist(s)
Old vendor
New vendor
Old order number
New order number
Budget code for new order
Subscription term
Bib number
Bib notes
SerSol ID
URL from vendor
Access URL
Order Approver confirms pricing and access options.
Order Approver places the order with the new vendor.
Order Approver moves card to In Process list and adds Order Creator to card.
Order Approver receives confirmation of order.
If required, Order Approver verifies license has been completed.
Order Creator closes the old order.
Order Creator creates new order in Aleph and adds order number to card description.
Order Creator moves card to Awaiting Invoice list.
Order Approver attaches invoice to card.
Order Creator pays invoice when necessary licensing is completed.
Order Creator moves card to Awaiting Access list and adds Access Confirmer and Database Cataloger to card.
If ordered direct, Order Approver adds to recurring payment tracker.
If necessary, Order Approver notifies relevant Subject Specialist(s).
Access & Discovery
Access Confirmer confirms access after receiving access notification.
Access Confirmer updates access in Serials Solutions.
Access Confirmer requests proxy server update, if necessary.
Once received, Access Confirmer passes along proxy server update to MADS.
Access Confirmer adds the following to the description:
SerSol ID
URL from vendor
Access URL
Bib number
Bib notes
Access Confirmer adds resource to appropriate ERSA FY changes spreadsheet.
Access Confirmer notifies Database Cataloger via a comment that database is ready for cataloging.
Database Cataloger notes on Trello that cataloging is in process.
Database Cataloger notes on Trello that cataloging is complete and notifies Access Confirmer via comment.
Access Confirmer will confirm that proxy server stanzas are updated and working.
Access Confirmer will work with MADS to confirm updated proxy stanzas.
Access Confirmer will announce acquisition of database to LIB-Collections once cataloging is complete.
Access Confirmer adds Admin Account Coordinator to card.
Administrative Account
Admin Account Coordinator verifies that the platform has an admin account.
Admin Account Coordinator adds admin account details to shared spreadsheet.
Admin Account Coordinator adds the following to the admin account:
IP addresses
Proxy server IP address
Link resolver prefix
Contact details
Admin Account Coordinator moves card to appropriate FY Changed list.
Print Journal/Serial Revend
Order Creator creates a new card using the appropriate template in the Vendor and Format Changes board in Trello and moves it to the Pending Requests list. The Order Creator adds the following information as relevant and available to the card description:
Old vendor
New vendor
Old order number
New order number
Budget code for new order
Order Creator confirms old order cancellation with agent or vendor and moves card to In Process list.
Order Creator places new order with agent or vendor.
Order Creator closes old order.
Order Creator creates new order and moves card to Awaiting Invoice list.
Once invoice is received, Order Creator pays invoice.
Order Creator notifies SRM to create subscription record via a comment on the card.
Order Creator adds to appropriate FY changes spreadsheet.
Order Creator moves card to Changed list for appropriate fiscal year.
Print & Online Journal/Serial Revend
Order Creator creates a new card using the appropriate template in the Vendor and Format Changes board in Trello and moves it to the Pending Requests list. The Order Creator adds the following information as relevant and available to the card description:
Old vendor
New vendor
Old order number
New order number
Budget code for new order
Subscription start date
Online coverage dates
Order Creator confirms old order cancellation with agent or vendor and moves card to In Process list.
Order Creator places new order with agent or vendor.
Order Creator closes old order.
Order Creator creates new order and moves card to Awaiting Invoice list.
Once invoice is received, Order Creator pays invoice.
Order Creator notifies SRM to create subscription record via a comment.
Order Creator adds Access Confirmer to card and moves to Awaiting Access list.
If licensing is required, the Licensing Team will complete the license.
Access & Discovery
Access Confirmer will confirm access is available to appropriate coverage dates.
If necessary, Access Confirmer will update access in SerialsSolutions.
Access Confirmer will add to appropriate ERSA FY changes spreadsheet.
Access Confirmer will move card to appropriate FY Completed list.
Online Journal/Serial Revend
Order Creator creates a new card using the appropriate template in the Vendor and Format Changes board in Trello and moves it to the Pending Requests list. The Order Creator adds the following information as relevant and available to the card description:
Old vendor
New vendor
Old order number
New order number
Budget code for new order
Subscription start date
Online coverage dates
Order Creator confirms old order cancellation with agent or vendor and moves card to In Process list.
Order Creator places new order with agent or vendor.
Order Creator closes old order.
Order Creator creates new order and moves to Awaiting Invoice list.
Once invoice is received, Order Creator pays invoice.
Order Creator adds Access Confirmer to card and moves to Awaiting Access list.
If licensing is required, the Licensing Team will complete the license.
Access & Discovery
Access Confirmer confirms access.
Access Confirmer updates access in SerialsSolutions.
Access Confirmer adds resource to appropriate FY changes spreadsheet.
Access Confirmer moves card to Changed list for appropriate fiscal year.