New Database Access and Description Workflow

Scope: The steps for acquiring and making available new database orders.

Contact: Bethany Blankemeyer

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 12/05/2023

Date of next review:

Workflow for New Database Access and Description

Below is the typical Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions Department workflow for placing a new database order. Many of the steps may not occur in the order in which they are listed below due to the context around each individual order.


  1. Request for a new database order is received by ERSA staff via the email list.
  2. Order Approver creates a new card using the appropriate template in the New Database Orders board in Trello and moves it to the Pending Requests list. Order Approver adds the following information as relevant and available to card description:
    1. Subject specialist
    2. Provider
    3. Vendor
    4. 1x cost + AAF (1x purchase) or Cost (subscription)
    5. Budget code
    6. Number of simultaneous users
    7. Subscription Term
    8. Perpetual access to years subscribed?

    9. Order number

    10. Bib number

    11. Bib notes

    12. Ex Libris ID

    13. URL from vendor:

    14. Access URL:

    15. Notes:

  3. Order Approver confirms that:
    1. the order will not be duplicative
    2. the necessary funds are available
    3. the pricing is correct
    4. that access options are as expected
  4. Order Approver places the order with the vendor and requests confirmation of the order.
  5. Order Approver adds the Order Creator to the card and moves the card to the "In Process Ordering" list. In rare cases, such as if the order is placed through a subscription agent, the order may be placed by the Order Creator instead of the Order Approver.
  6. Order Approver completes the licensing workflow for the resource on the Licensing board, if necessary, and moves the card to the Awaiting Invoice list.
  7. Order Approver receives the invoice, attaches the invoice to the card, and tells the Order Creator via Trello when the invoice is ready for payment after any necessary licensing is complete.
  8. Order Creator creates an order in Aleph (see "Order Creation in Aleph" for more information about how to create new orders).
  9. Order Creator processes the invoice for payment:
    1. Verifies vendor address information and obtains any forms (e.g., W9, FVQ, or W8BENE) needed to make changes.
    2. Creates invoice in Aleph.
    3. Submits invoice to Accounting for payment.
  10. Order Creator moves the card to the Awaiting Access list and adds the Database Cataloger/Access Confirmer to the card.
  11. Order Creator closes the order record when the invoice is paid in Aleph (1x purchases only).

Access and Discovery

  1. Database Access Confirmer receives notification via Trello 'New Databases' board when database has been purchased.
  2. Database Access Confirmer confirms that access is available on the provider platform.
  3. Database Access Confirmer updates access in Ex Libris:
    1. Makes sure that the database name represents the subscribed resource.
    2. Clicks 'Edit' and selects 'Subscribed' from the drop-down menu for 'Status'.
    3. Selects the 360 Search box.
    4. If the database contains journals or books, checks the 360 MARC box as appropriate.
    5. Tests access via default URL; adds custom URL if other landing page is preferred.
    6. If freely available, checks the 'Omit proxy from this database' box.
    7. In the 'Public Database Note' field, adds date of activation and initials of person who activated - but DO NOT select 'display'; add any other specific information here.
    8. Fills in 'LocID' field, when appropriate. (ex: duke_perkins for Gale databases). 
      1. For Gale databases: Update title-level URLs by creating a new holding URL replacement rule with the loc_ID (Ex Libris homepage)
    9. Submits Ex Libris support tickets for Knowledgebase additions or corrections when necessary.
    10. See the "Ex Libris Knowledge Base Database Examples" wiki for examples of different database scenarios.
      Ex Libris display of database details edit page
  4. Database Access Confirmer determines proxy server needs:
    1. Checks to see if database is already on EZProxy Server Status list.
    2. If not, submits AskTech ticket for addition to EZProxy by E-Access Librarian.
  5. Database Access Confirmer completes assigned description fields in Trello card in 'New Databases' board:
    1. Bib number
    2. Bib notes
    3. Ex Libris ID
    4. URL from vendor
    5. Access URL
      Trello card screenshot that shows what fields to fill out
  6. Database Access Confirmer opens AskTech ticket to request database cataloging; include access URL with proxy prefix, Ex Libris database ID if available, and any existing bib info.
  7. Database Access Confirmer confirms that the proxy server stanzas are updated and working. Proxy server status link.
  8. Database Access Confirmer adds database to A-Z Database List, using the A-Z Database Update instructions.
  9. Database Access Confirmer announces acquisition of database to Lib-Collections email list, and copies LAW and FORD
  10. Database Access Confirmer checks off relevant ‘Database Access Confirmer’ boxes on the Trello card.
    Trello card list for Database Access Confirmer
  11. Database Access Confirmer sends notification to Admin Account Coordinator via Trello when description and access are complete.
  12. Admin Account Coordinator follows the steps of this workflow to verify that the platform has an admin account and to add the appropriate IPs, branding, contact information, etc.
    1. Admin Account Coordinator Workflow steps
  13. Admin Account Coordinator moves card to appropriate FY Completed list.