GOBI Invoice Reports

Scope: How to pull a GOBI invoice report and how to use that report to search for and activate recently purchased titles in Ex Libris.

Contact: Alaina Deane

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 06/07/2022

Date of next review:

Once a week (usually Friday mornings) we pull an invoice report to track single titles purchased via GOBI that need to be activated in Ex Libris. More information about the process of GOBI purchases listed here: https://duke.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DTSP/Single-Title+Ebook+Purchases+via+GOBI

Pull GOBI Invoice Report

  • Log into GOBI (talk to head of Monographic Acquisitions if you need a GOBI log-in)
  • Under Search tab > Select Library Activity
  • Deselect Open orders > Select Invoiced
  • Select all of the following Subaccounts (hold CTRL key while clicking to select multiple):
    • 1370-50 US Ebook SL CL
    • 1370-51 US E-Collections
    • 1370-52 US Approval E-Books
    • 1370-54 E-Book Rush
  • Select Invoice Date Dropdown box and change ">=" to Range, then select dates needed (the date the last invoice left off up until the day before you're pulling this report)

  • Example: If the last report says 20210702 thru 20210708 you will want the new invoice to start 20210709 and pull everything up until the day before the current date. [Examples in GOBI Invoice Reports folder at CRA>Alaina>GOBI]
  • Click Search
  • After the file processes, Select "Mark all items on this page" in the top left corner

screen shot of GOBI page with 'Mark all items on this page' icon highlighted

  • Then select "save marked items" on the top right corner

screenshot of GOBI page iwth 'save marked items' icon highlighted

    • In the pop-up window, 'File Type' should be 'Tab Delimited' and 'Save As' should be 'Brief'.
    • Click Save to Disk

screentshor of GOBI pop-up with 'File Type', 'tab delimited' checked, 'Save As', 'brief' checked highlighted

  • Open the downloaded file. Copy all the text and paste into an Excel spreadsheet.
    • Here is a list of all the columns you'll want to see. Hide all the other columns.
    • Columns: A / G-M / FC / FD / FI-FP / FZ
    • Column FM is where the orders will state if the item is a Rush item or not. Change column name from "Local_Data_3" to "RUSH?"
    • Format the cells as appropriate (wrap text, change ISBNs to numbers, add filter to all columns)
  • Go through Rush items first to see if these have been resolved already through the Rush Ebook process (NOTE: Always check that we have access before activating a title.)
    • Filter the column FM to only show "Yes"
    • Column FL will show notes pertaining to the order left by CS staff (like whom to notify after activation)
    • Aleph initials listed here: CRAD > Workflow documentation > Aleph Initials.docx
    • Instructions for processing rush e-book orders can be found here

Searching in Ex Libris
TIP: ISBNs in the GOBI invoice spreadsheet don't always match Ex Libris (ISBN vs. eISBNs) so it's best to search by Title. Google to check for correct spelling/accent marks if you're having trouble locating the title in Ex Libris.

  • Make sure to select All Titles and Title Begins With so that you can check for the title in all of the databases. These search parameters will help you find duplicate purchases. If you're having trouble locating the title, you can then do a search in the particular database that you need the title tracked in.

  • Activate each title in Ex Libris
    • From Ex Libris record page, click the 'edit' button at the top right, and change 'status' to 'subscribed'

screen shot of Ex Libris record page. Arrow pointing to 'Edit' button, '360 MARC updates' circled, unchecked

  • When activating a title purchased through GOBI make sure the 360 MARC Updates box is unchecked. This is a very important step because we receive our MARC records from GOBI (and not through Ex Libris) and we want to make sure that 360 MARC is turned off so that we don't have multiple catalog records in the catalog for the same title.
  • Note: There is an exception - SAGE titles. When activating SAGE titles you must leave 360 MARC Updates selected and email Leeda a list of the SAGE titles and ISBNs that were just activated. That way she can overlay the records as they come in.
    Note: Depending on the database in Ex Libris, some titles will have 360 MARC automatically deselected. However, there are some that you'll have to click edit again to turn off. (Examples: EBSCO, Elsevier, and Wiley)
  • If RUSH ebooks were missed (an email wasn't sent) complete the Rush Ebook Orders Procedures
  • After you've gone through all the Rush titles, un-filter the FM column and filter the "Supplier" column (column FC). Go through each Content Provider individually (leaving ProQuest for last). Use the "Vendors and Platforms used for Single-Title Ebook Purchases via GOBI" list in the Single Title EBook Purchases page to track titles in the appropriate databases in Ex Libris.

ProQuest is last because it is a little different than all the other Content Providers. ProQuest titles will automatically activate in Ex Libris within 24 hours of being invoiced so thankfully a lot of our work is already done for us. Our only concern will be leaving a note on the title level record when our access is limited (like 1 user or 3 users) along with the date of activation and your initials. See below for example.
zoomed in screen shot of Ex Libris record page showing 'Public Note' field

Color coding
Keeping up with all of these titles and their progress can be difficult (especially since some issues may not be resolved until months later) so color coding the GOBI Invoice Report spreadsheet is necessary. See legend below to help keep track of title tracking progress.

Green Cell Style = You tracked the title in Ex Libris and counted in your monthly departmental stats
Screenshot of Excel GOBI report - cells highlighted in green

Orange Cell Style = This title has already been tracked (whether by you or automatically by Ex Libris)
Screenshot of Excel GOBI report - cells highlighted in orange

Red Cell Style = Not available in the appropriate database
Screenshot of Excel GOBI report - cells highlighted in red

Blue Cell Style = emailed a URL of the RUSH item to the patron but has not been added to Ex Libris
Screenshot of Excel GOBI report - cells highlighted in blue

Yellow Cell Style = This title has a concern that needs to be resolved (example: item is available in the database we need to track it in but our access is locked)
Screenshot of Excel GOBI report - cells highlighted in yellow

Gray Cell Style = duplicate purchase - Alert Bill and/or the Orderer immediately to see if a refund is available
Screenshot of Excel GOBI report - cells highlighted in gray

  • Save document with all the other GOBI invoice reports here: CRAD> Alaina> GOBI > GOBI Invoice Report
  • Each invoice spreadsheet will most likely have to be checked several times before all titles are tracked due to delayed Ex Libris updates or issues.
  • Reports named "Date thru Date - complete" are invoices where all items have been accounted for. 
  • Collecting missing titles to contact vendor/publisher about lack of access/availability
  • Titles purchased through GOBI should be accessible within a few days to a week (if the title is published). If access hasn't been granted (and the title is published) contact our GOBI representative to handle communicate with the publisher. Send a full screen shot (uncropped – all four corners of the screen including the URL in the address bar) of the title experiencing locked access along with the title of the ebook, the ISBN, and the URL.
  • If there is a large number of titles that are still not available in their appropriate databases (but we have access), organize the titles and ISBNs into a spreadsheet and submit an Ex Libris ticket to have them added.