NC LIVE Basics

Scope: How to manage the NC LIVE Databases

Contact: Amelia Rodarte

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed:  

Date of next review:

NC LIVE is the library cooperative for the state of North Carolina and serves public and academic libraries. More about NC LIVE here.

When NC LIVE selects new resources DUL then makes access changes to set up access for new content, remove access for content no longer available, or transition access for existing content so it is through NC LIVE rather than the provider we'd gotten access from previously. Otherwise, NC LIVE is managed at Duke much the way we manage our other resources.

General NC LIVE management

  • NC LIVE resources are updated on triennial basis, the current cycle is 2021-2023
  • resource selection is made by DUL Collection Strategy & Development. Elena Feinstein reviews the resources and communicates with subject selectors. Once they complete the review of NC LIVE resources, Collection Strategy & Development informs ERSA of any resources to be added, removed, or transitioned to the provider.  
  • typical categories in a cycle will include
    • Additions (new)
    • Subtractions (cancelled)
    • Renewals (no change)
  • tracking sheets from most recent cycles are saved in the CRA drive, in the NC Live folder. "L:\Departments\ContinuingResourceAcquisitions\CRA\Archive-KEEP\Former Employees\Pat_C\NC Live"


  • when making changes to NC LIVE products, cards may be added to a variety of Trello boards depending on the format of the content or whether we are adding, removing, or updating access to NC LIVE.

direct URLs vs. NC LIVE redirect URLs in Ex Libris

  • use NC LIVE access link as custom URL (see example here)
  • use other custom URL if different landing page is preferred
  • Gale exception
    • for Gale resources available through NC LIVE, to ensure reliable title level linking, use of a Gale custom URL (LocID duke_perkins) is preferred

Database Updates

  • send as a separate email, once all NC LIVE work is complete
    • LIB-Collections, Law-REFLIB, and Ford
    • example from 2021

Subject: NC LIVE Database Updates

EBSCO LearningExpress - (bib 9834947)

Users must create a personal account to access.

Just for Kids Access Video - (bib 9835289)

title-level MARC records forthcoming

CQ Magazine - (bib 4983305)

new URL

Transparent Language - (bib 4670882)

new URL

Auto Repair Source

cancelled due to low usage

Gale in Context - Science

cancelled due to low usage

Mango Languages

replaced by Transparent Language

Testing and Education Reference Center (TERC)

replaced by EBSCO LearningExpress