Streaming Media

Scope: Overview of ERSA Managed Streaming Media Packages and Workflows

Contact: Amelia Rodarte

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed:  

Date of next review:

Acquisitions Overview

Acquisitions for streaming media packages are managed through ERSA, whereas title-by-title acquisitions are managed through MA.

Access Overview

Access set up for streaming media packages is managed through ERSA, whereas access for title-by-title acquisitions is managed through MA. Streaming Media access is unique in that video titles are not consistently available in the knowledgebase, so 360 MARC is typically not available. Therefore most title-level MARC records are loaded locally by MADS. The table below provides an overview of streaming media providers, packages, and how MARC records are managed.


Access issues are initially handled by ERSA, since it is usually necessary to reach out to the vendor. MADS (usually Leeda) will support loading corrected records. RD (Ellen) can also assist with correcting URLs in individual records and supports cataloging perpetually acquired streaming media titles.

Streaming Media Provider Overview

VendorMajor Packages/ContentMARC Records ManagementMARC Records ScheduleNotes
Alexander StreetAVON*Leeda Adkins (manually from provider site)New, updated, and deleted records post on first Saturday of the month, MADS loads the following MondayAlexander Street used to also license Docuseek platform until 2020
Ambrose Video PublishingBBC Shakespeare PlaysManual uploadN/A one time purchase
Bloomsbury: Drama Online
ERM Team (Amelia Rodarte) notifies Leeda when we subscribe to a new collection.Platform posts all collections with MARC but does not distinguish which are accessible/owned by DUL360 MARC is available for Drama Online, but MADS prefers local loads. Reassess after Alma migration - summer 2024.
Digitalia Film Library
Leeda Adkins receives add/delete email notifications
Emailed Digitalia support 10/17/23 to confirm MARC records schedule. Last received Feb 2022.
Digital Theatre+Digital Theatre+Amelia notifies Leeda of new resource. Leeda manages ongoing MARC records management. New, updated, and deleted records post on first day of the month. New resource 1/1/2024. MARC records available on website:
Docuseek2Docuseek, Global Environmental Justice; Women Make Movies; Collective EyeLeeda Adkins receives add/delete email notifications with attached MARC filesMARC for collections sent quarterly; single-title purchases sent upon activationERSA/MA
Electronic Arts Intermix
No MARC availableN/AEAI currently hiring someone to help create MARC records. None available at this time (1/4/24 ADR)
History Makers
Leeda Adkins via OCLC WorldShare

InfobaseFeature Films for Education; Films on DemandLeeda Adkins receives add/delete email notifications; delete files are typically delayed, which requires periodic checking of admin site for availabilityLoaded at beginning of month unless prompted via AskTech for immediate load. Delete files posted bi-annually
Ellen Maxwell individual records/Leeda Adkins bulk records via platformPlatform unreliable for alerting to new records available for download; monthly refreshes of entire MARC collection to determine what is in catalog and what is newMA
Kanopy: Media Education Foundation
Leeda Adkins via platformNeed to investigate whether these are included in main MARC set
From provider website: "MARC Records powered by OCLC are included in your institutional subscription. You can download them via OCLC’s Collection Manager." 

ERSA; vended through Harrassowitz

Unsure if MARC records have been loaded into catalog.

0 Title database in KB

Metropolitan Opera on Demand
"MARC Records will be available for the Met Opera on Demand catalog via OCLC’s WorldShare Collection Manager" - 11/2023 update

Unsure if MARC records have been loaded into catalog.

0 Title database in KB

Naxos Video Library
MARC records available on provider website

Unsure if MARC records have been loaded into catalog. Share admin credentials with MADS if needed.

0 Title database in KB

NC LIVE Video Collection
From NC LIVE website: "Included in Films on Demand as of September 2018" (Infobase)
Perpetual Access Collection

Unsure if MARC records have been loaded into catalog. No admin account.

0 Title database in KB
Leeda Adkins receives add/delete email notifications

Qwest TV
CZ activated
No local MARC records in the catalog. CZ records activated.
Shoah Foundation Institute Visual History Archive
Unknown - 360 MARC available if needed

51,826 video records in KB. 360 MARC is available but not turned on. 

Unsure if MARC records have been loaded into catalog. No admin account.

Leeda Adkins (manually from provider site)Loaded at beginning of month unless prompted via AskTech for immediate load.MA

*Note Unique Workflow

Unique Workflows

AVON Build by Choice

  • ERSA receives alert that AVON Build-By-Choice time period is starting and Serials Management forwards to Librarian for Film
  • Librarian for Film may share Build-By-Choice selections via email, and ERSA keeps an eye out for confirmation email from AVON.
    • Note: if we don’t get a confirmation email from AVON listing all of the selected titles, the final check-out step may have been missed.
  • Serials Management will download list of purchased titles from AVON Admin in Account Settings>>Orders, save this to the Title Lists folder in the shared drive, and create dummy order records for selected titles
    • Note: the “AVON Build by Choice Selection” area in the admin just has titles currently available for build by choice. This may include some titles we’ve purchased in the past, but since it’s only a list of titles that are available for build by choice it is not a complete list of our purchased titles.
  • Create dummy orders:
    1. Perform title search in Alma to find appropriate title
      1. The correct title will have Alexander Street Press as the Interface Name
    2. Click on the three dots for more options → Order
    3. Create PO line
      1. PO line type: Electronic Title - One Time
      2. PO line owner: DUL E-Resources
      3. Check the "Create Inventory Manually" checkbox!
    4. Fill in PO line information
      1. Material type: Streaming Video
      2. Acquisition method: Technical (We will not be paying an invoice on the PO line)
      3. Associated PO lines: 1146433 (This is the PO line for our AVON subscription)
      4. Material supplier: PDUMMY SERIALS
      5. Note: AVON perp access selection
      6. 1st Reporting Code: Streaming Media
    5. Link newly created PO line to portfolio-level record:
      1. Copy PO line
      2. Search for the title again. The correct will now have an Order attached
      3. Pull up the portfolio list by clicking on Electronic under the correct title
      4. Click View to edit the portfolio → Acquisition tab → and add the PO line → Save
    6. Double-check PO line to see that the portfolio is under the Ordered Portfolios section
    7. Add PO line to title list spreadsheet saved on the shared drive: L:\ElectronicResourcesSerialsAcquisitions\Title Lists\ProQuest\AVON title lists\AVON perp access order creation updated 20231218