FOLIO Organizations_ Adding Contact People and Admin Interfaces

Scope: For FOLIO Organization records – adding contact people at organizations, and adding admin interface and credential information.

Contact: Barbara Dietsch

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 06/02/2022

Date of next review:

Organization records in FOLIO keep information about our vendors including contact information and admin interface information. Adding our provider contact information and admin credentials to FOLIO organization records will allow multiple users across all libraries at Duke to access and update information at the same time and reduce the number of spreadsheets the team needs to maintain.

Follow these steps to update contacts (in FOLIO, "Contact people" for actual contacts; "Contact information" for generic email addresses) and admin credentials (in FOLIO, "Interface").

Adding Organization Contact People

  • Type organization name and Search
    • Note, if you do not find the Organization, you can get started with these steps to create new Organization record.

  • Click organization name to open up record:

  • Select Actions>>Edit at top right:

  • Ignore information from Summary section.
  • If there is no contact person and just a generic inbox, add directly to Contact information section and add Categories as applicable.

  • To add a specific contact person, select Contact people accordion to expand; select Add contact:

  • Ignore existing contacts in automated list and select New button on top right:

  • Fill in Contact people fields as information available in our existing documentation
    • Note: asterisks indicate required fields. Other some fields will likely not be applicable (e.g. URLs, addresses)
    • Select Categories as applicable, but it is OK to leave this blank
    • Select Status as Active
    • Set Language to English unless otherwise specified
    • Add Emails
      • include email address - no other info is required
      • if more than one, designate which is the "Primary" address

  • Select Save & close button at bottom right when finished, then repeat to add additional contacts as necessary
  • Check that contacts have been added:

Adding Interfaces for Admin Information

  • Type organization name and Search:

  • Click organization name to open up record:

  • Select Actions>>Edit at top right:

  • Ignore information from Summary section. Scroll down and select the Interface accordion to expand; select Add interface:

  • Ignore existing interfaces in automated list and select New button on top right:

  • Select Admin in Type picklist
  • Create a Name that includes the Organization name, "Admin", and the material format as applicable (e.g. some organizations have separate admin areas for journals vs. books)
    • E.g. OUP Admin: books, databases, online products
  • Add website URL, username, password, and any pertinent notes
  • Ignore all Statistics fields below Notes field; we may not need information there, and we can revisit when we are closer to implementing eUsage app
  • Select Save in top right and repeat steps to add additional admin interfaces as needed

  • Check that your interfaces have been saved: