Monthly Ex Libris Reports

Scope: Instructions on how to download spreadsheets from Ex Libris to show what databases, eBooks, and journals we have tracked in the knowledge-base.

Contact: Alaina Deane

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed:

Date of next review:

Once a month (usually at the beginning of the month) we pull reports from Ex Libris for databases, ebooks, and journals. These reports give us a snapshot of what we currently have tracked in the knowledge base and are a good tool to use to check when databases or resources have been added or removed from our knowledge base.

To pull and save the reports, follow these steps:

  • Log into Ex Libris
  • Under the "Business Intelligence Tools" select Management Reports

Ex Libris main page with 'Management Reports' highlighted

  • From the dropdown menu select "Database Details Report"
  • For the report name write "Database Details Report MON yyyy
    • Example: Database Details Report APR 2022

Ex Libris 'Management Reports' page with dropdown menu 'Database Details Report' highlighted and 'Report Name' field underlined, and arrow pointing to 'Request Report' button

  • Click Request Report
  • Repeat these steps for "Tracked eBooks" and Tracked eJournals"

Ex libris 'Management Reports' page with 'Select Report' dropdown opne and 'Tracked eBooks' and 'Tracked Journals' highlighted

  • Once the reports have been processed (this may take a while) you'll receive an email notification of completion.
  • Click the "Update List" button or return to this same page if you've closed this window. Once you update the list, the reports will appear.

Ex Libris 'Management Reports' page with 'update list' button highlighted

  • Download each file (because we have so many resources there may be multiple files) and save in the applicable resource folder (here) "\\lib-share-16\Staff\Departments\ContinuingResourceAcquisitions\CRA\Elaine B\Reports_ACTIVE_Databases_Ebooks_Ejournals". Place spreadsheet in the appropriate folder (folders are arranged by type and then year).