Database Accessibility Evaluations

Scope: Overview of the database accessibility evaluation process 

Contact: Amelia Rodarte

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed:  

Date of next review:


In 2022 ERSA piloted a project to evaluate the accessibility of databases on trial. The pilot launched in June 2022 and the work has continued to grow since then. Currently, accessibility evaluations are completed for both databases on trial and databases under consideration for renewal or cancellation.



  1. Database trial requested and initiated. See Database Trials page for more details.
  2. Complete database accessibility evaluation prior to the trial expiration date. See template v2 below. 
    1. Save in the "Trial Evaluations" folder
  3. Update Box permissions so all DUL staff can edit/view the evaluation.
  4. Reply-all to the trial notification email to share the accessibility evaluation with Lib-Collections, Law-REFLIB, and See email template below.
  5. Download the evaluation as a PDF.
  6. Share the accessibility evaluation with the vendor. See email template below.
  7. If the vendor provides feedback or makes any changes as a result of the evaluation, upload the email thread as a PDF to the Box folder.
  8. Update the program summary spreadsheet.


  1. ERM staff receive notification from the Collection Strategy & Development department of a database under review for possible renewal or cancellation.
  2. Complete database accessibility evaluation prior to the CSD deadline. See template v2 below. 
    1. Save in the "Renewal Evaluations" folder
  3. Update Box permissions so all DUL staff can edit/view the evaluation.
  4. Add the evaluation Box link to the CSD review document.
  5. Reply to the CSD email notifying them that the evaluation has been completed.
  6. Update the program summary spreadsheet.

TBD - For renewal/cancellation decisions, we currently do not share accessibility evaluation feedback with vendors. Discuss with CSD if this would be desired.


The current accessibility evaluation template (v2) was created in November 2023. It incorporates some basic WCAG 2.1 standards and follows the ERM Team order of operations more closely. The previous template (v1) can be found in the Templates folder in Box. 

Evaluation Template (v2)

Reply to Trial Notification Email Template

The accessibility evaluations have been completed for the database trials listed below. 

1.  Database Trial – Box link
2.  Database Trial – Box link
3.  Database Trial – Box link

If you have any questions, or suggestions for the evaluation process, please feel free to contact me!

Trials Vendor Feedback Template


Thank you for assisting Duke University Libraries with our recent trial of DATABASE. As part of our evaluation process, we conducted a brief accessibility evaluation of the database. The full accessibility evaluation is attached. ATTACH PDF 

The top accessibility concerns we found were: 

  • Example 
  • Example 

To mitigate those concerns, we have the following suggestions: 

  • Example 
  • Example 

Please share this evaluation with the appropriate person at COMPANY and we hope that this accessibility work will be prioritized the next time you make updates to your platform. 

Accessibility is an important part of Duke University Libraries’ resource assessment process and contributes to our ultimate decision on whether to purchase, renew, or cancel a resource. If you have any feedback or questions regarding the findings in this report, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 


TBD - If accessibility impacts any acquisitions decisions, we could share that here. 

Past Evaluations

All database accessibility evaluations are saved in the Database Accessibility Evaluations Box folder. Any DUL staff member can view and download the evaluations. If you have questions about accessing past evaluations, please contact ERSA.


NVDA 2023.3

WCAG 2.1 Standards


