Publisher Transfer Workflow for Journals
Scope: Below is the typical Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions Department workflow for processing journal titles that transfer from one publisher to another. Workflows are separated based on if the transfer is a print only title, if the title has allocated funding, or if it is an un-allocated funding transfer. Many of the steps may not occur in the order in which they are listed below due to context around each individual transfer.
Contact: Bethany Blankemeyer
Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions
Date last reviewed: 05/01/2018
Date of next review: 05/04/2024
Transfer Workflow
Below is the typical Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions Department workflow for processing journal titles that transfer from one publisher to another. Workflows are separated based on if the transfer is a print only title, if the title has allocated funding, or if it is an un-allocated funding transfer. Many of the steps may not occur in the order in which they are listed below due to context around each individual transfer.
Print Only Transfer
- Transfer Coordinator receives notice of transfer title.
- Transfer Coordinator creates new Trello card using the Print Only Transfer Template, and includes the following information in the description:
- Transferring from:
- Transferring to:
- Source:
- Order number:
- Effective date:
- Notes:
- Transfer Coordinator moves the card to the Pending column and adds the Order Creator to the card.
- Order Creator adds a note to the order record.
- Order Creator moves the card to the appropriate fiscal year completed.
Allocated Funding Transfer
- Transfer Coordinator receives notice of transfer title.
- Transfer Coordinator creates new Trello card using the Allocated Funding Transfer Template, and includes the following information in the description:
- Transferring from:
- Transferring to:
- Source:
- Order number:
- Effective date:
- Old coverage dates:
- New coverage dates:
- Notes:
- Transfer Coordinator adds the due date for effective date of transfer.
- Transfer Coordinator adds Order Creator to the card and moves card to In Process column.
- Order Creator adds a note to the order record.
- If revend or format change, Order Creator starts a new card on Vendor and Format Changes Trello board, moves the card to the appropriate FY Completed Transfers list, and deletes Access Confirmer checklist.
- If not a revend or format change, Order Creator adds Access Confirmer to card and moves it to Awaiting Access list.
- Access Confirmer confirms frontfile and backfile coverage dates and add to Trello Transfers card, as applicable.
- Investigate frontfile and backfile policy for the new publisher. For help, you can view information on the spreadsheet “Journals_CoverageDates_CheatSheet” at L:\Departments\ContinuingResourceAcquisitions\CRA\Publishers. For instance, titles on the Oxford website have a frontfile of 1996 – Present (backfile is earlier content).
- Not all publishers have front and backfiles. In these cases, the frontfile is “All with current.” The backfile is “n/a”.
- If no frontfile information is available, contact publisher rep or sales support.
- Investigate frontfile and backfile policy for the new publisher. For help, you can view information on the spreadsheet “Journals_CoverageDates_CheatSheet” at L:\Departments\ContinuingResourceAcquisitions\CRA\Publishers. For instance, titles on the Oxford website have a frontfile of 1996 – Present (backfile is earlier content).
- Access Confirmer confirms access from new publisher
- Search the Ex Libris Client Center using the e-Catalog search.
- Use the category “Journal” and either the “Title Begins With”, “ISSN Equals”, or “Title Equals” search function to find and open the title in Ex Libris.
- Click the link for the proper holding for the ejournal based on publisher and/or package subscription.
- Click the URL for this holding in Ex Libris
and confirm that we have access to the correct amount of content based on the coverage date listed in Trello. Spot-check access by opening one full text article (PDF, or HTML file if PDF is unavailable) of the newest and oldest subscribed issue. - If correct access is unavailable, contact the vendor or new publisher of the journal.
- To find the vendor or publisher information:
- Copy the journal’s order number from the Trello Transfers board.
- Look up the order number in the Aleph Acquisitions module.
- If the name under the heading “Vendor” is one of our 2 vendors,
ask one of the following contacts via email to restore access. Contact information can be found in FOLIO Organizations tab.- EBSCO
- Harrassowitz
- If the name under the heading “Vendor” is a publisher, ask our provider contact via email to restore access. Find the contact information in the FOLIO Organizations tab. If we do not have a contact, email the publisher’s customer service department.
- Copy the journal’s order number from the Trello Transfers board.
- To find the vendor or publisher information:
- Search the Ex Libris Client Center using the e-Catalog search.
- Access Confirmer updates access in Ex Libris knowledgebase
- Once you have confirmed that we have the correct access, set holding to “Subscribed” in Ex Libris.
- Do this by clicking the “Edit” button on the top-right of the screen. Select “Subscribed” from the drop-down menu under the heading “Status” using the pull-down menu:
- Click “Save”.
- If the Default URL and/or coverage date is incorrect in Ex Libris, add the correct Custom URL and/or coverage date.
- Click “Edit” in the top right corner of the Ex Libris record page.
- When adding correct coverage dates, add the beginning date in the “Custom Coverage Date From” box. Add the end date in the “Custom Coverage Date To” box.
- Add the correct URL in the “Custom URL” box.
- Add notes in the “Public Note” box to explain the edits. Do not click the “Display” box unless it is a note for library users.
- Once you have confirmed that we have the correct access, set holding to “Subscribed” in Ex Libris.
- Access Confirmer moves card to appropriate FY Completed Transfers list.
- Add the Trello card to the top of the appropriate FY Complete Transfers list.
Unallocated Funding Transfer
- Transfer Coordinator receives notice of transfer title.
- Transfer Coordinator creates new Trello card using the Unallocated Funding Transfer Template, and includes the following information in the description:
- Transferring from:
- Transferring to:
- Source:
- Order number:
- Effective date:
- Old coverage dates:
- New coverage dates:
- Notes:
- Transfer Coordinator adds the due date for effective date of transfer.
- Transfer Coordinator adds Order Creator and Order Approver to the card and moves card to In Process column.
- Order Approver confirms renewal with subject specialist and Head of Collection Strategy & Development.
- If no renewal, Order Approver moves card to appropriate FY Nonrenewed Transfers list.
- If renewal, Order Approver starts new card on New Periodicals/Serials Orders Trello board and moves card to appropriate FY Completed list.
- Order Creator adds a note to the order record, if one exists.
- Order Creator closes open order record, if one exists.