Administering Letters and Notices

General info

  • Letters are managed in Configuration > General > Letters

  • We only support email letters and are not using WEBHOOK or SMS as of Fall 2024

  • Only about a third of the letters are enabled - that can be seen in Configuration - they are mostly fulfillment-related, with a few other systems related letters.

  • A group of fulfillment staff worked in Spring 2024 to customize most of the patron facing letters. Customizations are stored in gitlab at If you make any changes to letters, you must capture the changes over in gitlab as well!

“From” email addresses

Letters versus components

  • Components are reusable across letters

  • We have customized some components and some letters, so you may need to look at both when troubleshooting an issue

  • If you want to test a component change, the easiest thing to do is to change it and then send yourself a Borrower Report from your user record - that email can be triggered and sent in real-time.