Troubleshooting overdue and lost notice deliveries
Jobs that send courtesy, overdue, lost notices
Notifications - Send Due Date Reminders - sends notice day item is due
Notifications - Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals - sends courtesy notices
Loans - Overdue and Lost Item - sends overdue and lost notices
Questions to ask when a ticket comes in saying a notice wasn’t delivered
Is it a short loan or a long loan?
A short loan is defined in minutes or hours, a long loan is defined in days, weeks, months or a fixed due date.
Short loans send one courtesy notice 30 minutes before the due date, one overdue notice 30 minutes after the due date, and then a lost notice seven days after the item was overdue. That is true no matter what type of item is loaned.
Is/are any notices attached to the patron’s user record?
When a notice is sent to a patron, it should be attached to their user record on the Attachments tab.
Which job would have sent the notice?
Determine which Alma job would have sent the notice in question.
Was anything logged in the job history?
Check the job history for the date it should have sent the notice to see if any relevant errors were captured. Check to see if the number of loans processed matches the number of notices sent.
What Overdue and Lost Loan profiles should have fired?
Use the Fulfillment Configuration Utility to review which Overdue and Lost Loan notices ostensibly should have matched on the loan. If no profiles appear, that would be a reason that a notice would not have been delivered.
Analysis when job reports show loans were processed without sending notices
Analytics - report in System Events subject area
Create a report in the Analytics System Events subject area matching on the item barcode or patron identifier as the key value. This should allow you to see activity for the patron and/or item barcode.