Testing NCIP transactions with Postman and the premium sandbox

The premium sandbox is a good place to test NCIP transactions because you can copy recent ReShare transactions there without worrying about colliding with an existing transaction.

On either ReShare environment, you can turn on NCIP logging and see the actual transaction being sent, and the response that ReShare recorded.

“You should be able to turn logging on for NCIP messages and see the exact output of the message and response in the Protocol section on the detail screen for the request. To turn on logging go to Settings>Resource Sharing>Logging and set NCIP logging to Yes. Default keeps logs for 30 day”

You can then use Postman to send the same NCIP transaction to the premium sandbox server if you need to test what it does.

No API keys are needed since NCIP isn’t authenticated, you just need to make sure that you’re going to the right URL


