Gift Serials Procedures

Contact: Bethany Blankemeyer

Unit: Collections Services
Date last reviewed:

Date of next review: 4/20/2024

Collection Strategy and Development (CSD) Procedures

Candice receives gift serials via interoffice mail somewhat regularly. If they appear to be unsolicited random gifts that are just being forwarded from whoever initially opened the package, she discards them.

If they appear to be the latest issues of an expected title, Candice should send to ERSA for processing. Please include a note with the issues describing who sent them to CSD rather than Smith.

Resource Description (RD) Procedures

Other than expected issues, gifts serials are only accepted when they fill a gap or represent a complete/significant run of a title that meets other collection development criteria and have been vetted by CSD and a subject librarian. When one of these is accepted, it will be sent to RD (current contact Mandy) with a note describing this status.

Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions (ERSA) Procedures

If Emily receives an unsolicited package of a single serial issue or single monograph and we don’t have a gift subscription and we can’t find it in Aleph or OCLC, she discards. If the unsolicited package is a larger gift, she sends to Candice.

Emily does not send duplicate serials to Candice for titles that we get on order or via gift subscription.

Any questions about potential gift serials directed towards ERSA should go to