General Monograph Shipment Receipts

General Monograph Shipment Receipts

Scope: Describes the incoming freight/shipment processing workflow for General/Roman Languages Monograph Receipts

Contact: Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisition

Date last reviewed: 11/17/2020

  1. Monographic Approval and Firm order shipments are delivered to the Intake table.
    1. GOBI/YBP shelf-ready shipments are placed on the floor, against the wall, beside the intake table
  2. Move RushSouthern LitArt Approval, and Duke University Press to the small, rolling cart under the window.
    1. Move sets and serials to the wall opposite the monograph receiving area
  3. Move shipments to the Processing table.
    1. Sort by vendor (keep boxes from one vendor together)
    2. Write the date the box is being moved to the processing table on the top and front/side of each box in red marker. This date will be the Intake Date used for tracking.
  4. Enter shipment details on the Monograph Shipment Log in the black binder:
    1. Intake Date – date box moved from the Intake table to the Processing table
    2. Vendor
    3. Approval or Firm – if known (can be added after viewing shipment invoice)
    4. Manual or Batch Loaded
    5. Number of Boxes – number of boxes from a particular vendor being moved to the processing table
    6. Completed and Completed By – these last two columns are left blank until a box has been opened, inventoried and readied for transfer to the copy cataloging wall
  5. A check mark for each box processed is placed in the Completed column with the processor's initials entered in the Completed By column.
    1. The number of check marks should match the number of boxes received. Example: The log indicates two boxes received from Amalivre, so two check marks appear in the Completed column when the boxes have been processed.
    2. If two (or more) people worked on a shipment, then each will add their initials in the Completed By column.

Image of arrived cardboard boxes, shipped from a general receipts vendor, with dates written on them in red marker.

Image of the monograph shipment log, partially filled-in with the required informationImage of the monograph shipment log, completely filled-in with required information

This procedure is frequently followed by property stamping and insertion of security strips. Basic Monograph Shelf Preparation has more information on these procedures.

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