Workflow: Post Cataloging


Contact: Natalie Sommerville
Note to reviewer: Please update "Vickie Long" highlighted in red below to position title

Unit: Resource Description

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 1.  Shelf Preparation Section bounces

When there are problems with labels (for example, no call number due to the absence of holdings record), Shelf Preparation Staff put the books at the end of the O.Ref. shelf. Original catalogers, in rotation, are responsible for correcting the errors, giving feedback to individual catalogers as appropriate. The date in the CID of the corrected records is changed to the current date, and the books are put on the shelf for the days' cataloging.

 Books from the serials shelves are returned to Holdings Management.

2.  Moving materials between LSC and the stacks.

Transferring material from the stacks to the LSC is not a Collections Services decision, but involves direct interaction between the LSC and the librarian making the request.  After materials are inventoried into LSC's remote storage system, a program changes the holdings record to the appropriate LSC location.  Processing data errors in Aleph based on "exceptions" to the program for DUL materials is one of Collections Services responsibilities

To move an item from the LSC to the stacks, send an email to LSC-requests asking that the item be removed from the remote storage system (was GFA, now Caiasoft).  After this, the location will need to be changed by Collections Services staff.  If the item was sent to LSC without a label, a label will need to be printed.

3.  Transfers/other location changes

 Major transfer projects are handled in Holdings Management, and generally require notes showing the location history of items. However, Public Services staff may request location changes on a smaller scale through AskTech. These may be corrections or transfers within a library, for example from reference to the stacks. This type of location change does not require a "transfer from" note. In some cases, it can be done by staff outside of CS. Staff doing the work should be alert to the possibility that item status may need to change.

4. Reclassification and Recon

As of fall 2016, reclassification is complete except for Dewey items still checked out. Circulation points send these to Shelf Preparation when they are returned. If there is no LC number on the record, Shelf Prep. requests one through AskTech. The cataloger replying to the request inserts an 050 with indicators 99. The call number is "flipped" through an automated process which puts the Dewey number in a DEW field in the holdings record.  

If books to be reclassified come to a cataloger in another way, it is not necessary to use the DEW field.

Recon is mostly done, but occasionally books that were missed will wander in.

Recon for the LSC (most recon) may be done in Dewey, or reclassified to LC at the discretion of the cataloger. If there is an LC number on copy, it should be used. Recon in the regular collection is done in LC.

When recon for the LSC is done in LC, a "LSC" label is used. Place the label so that the Dewey number is covered. These materials can go in a bin for LSC rather than the shelves for new books for LSC, as they are already part of the collection. 

Recon is generally done to the core standard. The cataloger also has the option of Elvl K, with no subject headings, if the language and/or subject presents special problems.

 In the CID field, recon can be identified by $p RECON. Now that cataloging statistics are not used ARL statistics, it is no longer necessary to tally and delete reconned titles.

5. Duplicate call numbers:

 Effective July 1, 2010 duplicate call numbers sent to Holdings Management are handled by Vickie Long. Other duplicate call numbers are resolved by members of the AskTech mailing list.   Any Collections Services staff member can resolve a duplicate that comes to their attention by following the instructions here.

6. Corrections to call number labels

 When a new label is needed for a book in hand, put an "x" over the existing label and place on Shelf Preparation Section's walk-in shelves. With the "x" there is no need for a flag, unless further instructions are needed.

Corrections to call number labels for books not in the Smith building are generally made by Shelf Preparation Section sending the label to a contact person. This is done frequently in response to AskTech queries.

7.  Other corrections to the catalog:

Many corrections to authorized headings are made by our authority vendor, LTI. Any variant which matches a reference in the LCAF (or a reference that LTI has added to their expanded version of the LCAF) will be corrected. Corrections are also made to many typos, to obsolete machine coding, to subject subdivision strings, and to volume designators in series tracings.    Corrections to headings that cannot be caught by programming, for example distinguishing between persons with the same name, are done as follow up to the lists (which has been reduced due to time limitations) or as they are noticed. Some are reported to AskTech.

Members of CatS may correct significant errors that come to their attention, but are discouraged from making cosmetic changes or engaging in extensive clean-up projects. Overlay is encouraged as a mechanism for making changes, as often there have been multiple improvements to the OCLC record.

Requests for changes made by patrons and by staff outside of Collections Services (usually through the AskTech mailing list) are generally honored, within the context of national standards and Duke cataloging guidelines.Â