Leila Shelf Ready File Processing

Scope: This document describes the process loading Arabic shelf-ready MARC files from Leila Books.

Contact: Leeda Adkins

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy

Date last reviewed: 11/17/22

Date of next review: 11/17/23

Before loading the MARC file into Aleph, open file with MarcEdit and verify the Arabic fields are formatted correctly.
Other things to check in MarcEdit:

  • Use Reports -> Field Count to verify that the number of 049, 980 and 981 fields match the total number of records in the file (not above or below the number of records).
  • Use File ->Select Records for Edit and Display Field = 049 to check for more than one barcode in the field.
  • After saving any edits, use Tools -> Validate Marc Records -> Validate Record Structure to make sure fields are formatted correctly.
  • After saving any edits, use Tools -> Compile File into MARC to make a fresh .mrc file with the changes. Save with a different name from the original MARC file.

To load the file into Aleph, use the screenshots below as guidelines for custom-17 and file-90:

After loading the file into Aleph, use MarcEdit to create a spreadsheet for sorting call numbers, to determine whether any books need their holdings changed and new labels printed:
Go to Tools -> Export -> Export Tab-Delimited Records. In the Set File Paths window, navigate to the file to open (the first folder beside the first blank), and set the file to save to with the second, in the .csv format. Click Next, then add the 049 field, b subfield, and the 050 field in Step 2. Click Export to produce a spreadsheet of barcodes with call numbers, and use Data -> Sort to sort by the 050 column.

To search for the barcodes in Aleph, use the second bar at the top left of the Cataloging module to pull up the item record (see below):