Library of Congress File Loading Instructions


Contact: Sara Biondi

Unit: Monograph Acquisitions

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Library of Congress File Loading Instructions

Before loading into Aleph:
The Bibliographical records come in from LC with some Unicode, and Arabic. We need to use MarcEdit to make correction in order to load properly into Aleph.

Step 1: Correct File
Double-click on .mrc file. In the MarcEdit dialog box click "Execute." At the bottom of the dialog box will appear the number of records in the file (record for statistics). Click "Edit Records" to open the MarcEditor.

Make correction to the records for: example. (Typos and missing fields) then Save the change (File → Save).
Go to File → Compile File into MARC to transform the changed text-.mrk file into an .mrc file. Use a different name for the final .mrc file, as reusing the name of the existing Marc file will cause an error. Select the file destination L: \Departments\Aleph\FilesToMove. Subsequently it will open automatically.

Rename file from .mrk to. mrc (Ex. with no space or upper case letters)

Step 2: Load into Aleph
Open the Cataloging Module in Aleph in the DUK01
Open: *Services (drop-down menu) > Load Catalog Records >
Run Custom -17 (Record Loading Super Service). Fill in this the required information then click on Submit. (Match on ISBN)

Run Manage_18 – (use fix routine HARRP to add NDDP to 049 field)

In the Cataloging Module go to the pencil cup and Task Manager will appear. Select FileList to see the loaded files.

Screenshot of what has been loaded and the results (Batch Log view):

Do a quality check on the new bib records. Set Print Configuration to Browse HTML, and double click on the file to save it locally, then double click it in the upper pane to see the loaded bibs. ISBN search the first and last items for each NEW and match list. Check the match and multi in the same way to see if any duplication has been detected.