Loading MARC Records into Aleph: Cambeiro

Scope: Workflow for loading incoming Cambeiro vendor records into Aleph

Contact: Heather Baker

Unit: Metadata & Discovery Strategy

Date last reviewed: 08/21/23

Date of next review: 08/21/24

Invoice files and record files come via email. Save all to L:>Departments>MADS>MADS>Vendor MARC Loads>Cambeiro folder.

To begin,

  • Open previously saved vendor marc file. This will open MarcEditor (character coding needs to be changed to UTF8, check box to Translate to Marc8), click Execute, note the number of records.

  • Add number of records to Box>MADS>MonthlyReports_QuarterlyReports>Vendor Marc Monthly Worksheet>P22-23 MARC loads spreadsheet. This spreadsheet keeps track of record totals per vendor for each month.
  • In MarcTools (small box) click Edit Records.

To run MarcEdit Tasks,

  • Select Tools in the menu bar, Assigned Tasks, Currently Available, Cambeiro, Run. (To review tasks before running, click Tools, Manage Tasks, Edit, View Tasks for Review)

  • After running, go to File and click Save.
  • Check the tasks to make sure all tasks were applied to all records. Check 981 field.
  • Next, go to File, Compile File into Marc.

  • Name the file using the naming convention 'cam' and the invoice number found in 980 $f. (Example: cam12304)

  • Save to L:>Departments>MADS>MADS>Vendor MARC Loads>Cambeiro folder.
  • Close all MarcEditor windows.
  • Go to Vendor Marc Loads Cambeiro folder and copy the new file (Ctrl-C or right click, copy).
  • Paste the file in the L:>Departments>Aleph>FilesToMove (Ctrl-V or right click, paste).

To run custom-17 in Aleph,

  • Sign in to the Aleph production server (alephprod.lib.duke.edu).

  • production server highlighted in top bar on the screen
    If not in production, log out and use Server Switch to change to production.

For 1st time run of custom-17 for Cambeiro,

  • Go to Services, Load Catalog Records, Record Loading Super Service (custom-17). This service is a combination of custom-03, file-01, file-02, and manage-36.

  • In the custom-17 form, the defaults stay the same, with the following updates:
    • File Name to Move to Aleph Server = file name add to the FilesToMove folder, with the extension .mrc (Example: cam1251.mrc) – no uppercase letters or spaces
    • File Name on Aleph Server = same .mrc name used above (Example: cam12304 .mrc)
    • File Name after First Conversion = copy/paste file name used above
    • File Name for Aleph Sequential File = copy/paste file name
    • Output File 1 = copy/paste file name but change extension to .new (Example: cam12304.new)
    • Outut File 2 = copy/paste file name but change extension to .match (Example: cam12304.match)
    • Output File 3 = copy/paste file name but change extension to .multi (Example: cam12304.multi)
    • Match Section = ISBNA
    • Click 'Add to History' box (right side)
    • Submit

If custom-17 has previously been run for Cambeiro,

  • Go to Services, Load Catalog Records, Record Loading Super Service (custom-17).
  • Click View History (right side), scroll down to most recent Cambeiro file, and open file. This will pre-populate most fields. The only changes to be made are to the new file name. (Note there are 7 places where the file name should be updated)
  • After renaming files, click Add to History, Submit.


  • Go to the Task Manager (pencil cup icon on left) and click on Batch Log.
  • Select 'Only Mine' as Type in top pane.
  • Look at the list of jobs to find the most recent. Look for the custom-17 that was just run. If it is not there, click Refresh until it appears. Continue to click Refresh until the job is done and the status is 'Success.'

  • *If status is 'Done with errors' there are a few things to check:
    • Highlight the file and click Service Form (right side). Confirm that the file name is correct in each instance, with no missing or incorrect letters, numbers, period, or extension.
    • Confirm that the correct file was added to FilesToMove (file should have purple MARC icon) and that the file name matches all instances of the name used in the custom-17.
    • After fixing any errors, re-run the custom-17.

  • In the bottom pane, click on the second tab, Log File.

  • Scroll to the bottom and look for the final number of files. The total number of zero matches should equal the original number of records entered into the spreadsheet.

  • If there is a match, go to Aleph Custom-17 Match Process for further instructions. 
  • If there are no matches, continue to next service, file-96.

For 1st time run of file-96 for Cambeiro,

  • Go to Services, Load Catalog Records, Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-96).

  • Make updates to the following fields:
    • Input file should be the file name used in the custom-17, changing the extension to .new (Example: cam12304.new)
    • Default Values Input File = tab_cambeiro_def
    • ADM Library = DUK50
    • Create Item Records = yes
    • Create Order Records = yes
    • Create ENC Records = yes
    • Fix Routine = INS2
    • Update Database = yes
    • Runtime = keep default unless running a very large file, then push to the evening
    • Click Add to History, Submit.

If file-96 has previously been run for Cambeiro,

  • Go to Services, Load Catalog Records, Generic Vendor Loads (file-96).
  • Click View History (right side), scroll down to most recent Cambeiro file, and open file. This will pre-populate most fields. The only change to be made is to the new file name. (Note there is only one place where the file name should be updated)
  • After renaming file, click Add to History, Submit.


  • Go to the Task Manager (pencil cup icon on left) and click on Batch Log.

  • Select 'Only Mine' as Type in top pane.
  • Look at the list of jobs to find the most recent. Look for the file-96 that was just run. If it is not there, click Refresh until it appears. Continue to click Refresh until the job is done and the status is 'Success.'
  • In the bottom pane, click on the second tab, Log File.
  • Scroll to the bottom and confirm the final number of files matches the number of records.

After running all services,

  • Go back to the L:>Departments>MADS>MADS>Vendor MARC Loads>Cambeiro folder.
  • Copy the pdf invoice to Box>Batch Loaded Invoices>Cambeiro.
  • Move all finished files in Vendor MARC Loads, Cambeiro to FY22-23. There should be four files with corresponding file names.

Sample Cambeiro MARC record: