Tracking Materials through the Collections Services Work Order

Scope: Explains how the process statuses used within the Collections Services Work order to track flow of materials and to articulate who assigns the process statuses. To scan items into the Collections Services work order, see this related document.

Contact: @Bethany Blankemeyer @Jessica Janecki @Natalie Sommerville @Bill Verner

Date of last review: Jul 15, 2024

Date of next review: Sep 30, 2024

Background: Collections Services uses the Alma acquisitions work order type to track and manage flow of materials into and out of acquisitions, cataloging, physical processing, post-cataloging maintenance, and serials management workflows. Though the work order type still presents as acquisitions processing in Alma, its working title among Collections Services staff is “the Collections Services Work Order.” When items are ready to be sent to or returned to their shelving location, choose the “Done” option in the work order. This puts the item in transit.

Process Status Name

Process Status Code

Assigned By

Used For

Acquisitions Processing


Monograph Acquisitions, Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Managing items that are on order, received, being copy cataloged, being prepared for the shelf



Collections Services

Referring items to binding and managing items that are in binding workflows



Collections Services

Referring items for conservation and managing items that are in conservation workflows



Collections Services

Referring items to the Collection Strategy and Development department



Collections Services

Indicating that an item is ready to be done in the Collections Services work order and sent to LSC. Assign this status to new materials immediately before placing on the LSC truck

Original Cataloging


Collections Services

Referring items to the original cataloging workflow and managing items in that workflow

Original Cataloging - Offsite


Resource Description

Managing items that are taken offsite by Resource Description staff for cataloging; catalogers should update to this process status when taking materials offsite and update the process status back to Original Cataloging when materials return onsite

Rubenstein Library


Rubenstein Library Technical Services

Managing items that are in RLTS workflows



Collection Strategy and Development

Tracking items that are in the Scribe scanning workflow

Sent to Collections Services


Collections Services

Managing items that are sent back for resolving cataloging issues and/or that need new spine labels. Send materials back to the attention of the Team Lead for Bindery and Monograph Maintenance, or to the person who requested them

Vendor – Bindery, Conservation


Conservation, Resource Description

Tracking items that are sent to the commercial bindery for up-front treatment or repair

Vendor - Cataloging


Resource Description

Tracking items that are sent to a vendor for cataloging

See the LSC work order documentation for special procedures around items that are done in the Collections Services work order and transiting to LSC.