Preparing and Routing New to LSC Materials [Draft]

Scope:  Describes the process for physical preparation of new materials going to the Library Service Center and how to route these materials to LSC.

Unit:  Resource Description

Contact:  Lesley Looper

Date of last review:  01/31/2022

Date of next review: 02/14/2022

Volumes and media going to the LSC (Library Service Center) are cataloged for the appropriate DUL location. Instead of getting full post-cataloging processing (call number labels, property stamps, targets), these books get a white LSC sticker where the spine label typically goes.

Each volume needs:

  • An LSC sticker, placed where the spine label normally goes
  • “Duke University Library” property stamp on the top of the volume (or at the top of the title page if the volume is too thin)

Place on the LSC truck (with a green LSC sticker taped on the end), currently near Dan Maxwell’s cubicle