Reporting Resource Outages and Access Issues

Scope: How to alert all users in the event of a widespread resource access issue.

Contact: Abigail Wickes

Unit: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions

Date last reviewed: 06/02/2022

Date of next review:

Occasionally access issues will be so widespread or persistent that it is necessary to alert colleagues across DUL and set up a banner on the homepage to alert users.

  • Report outage to DUL-ERM team mailbox with note that you will reach out to DUL colleagues
  • Email AskLib, AskRef, MCL, Law, Ford, and Thomas Crichlow to alert them to outage.
    • Include pertinent details such as a basic description of the problem, any error messages they will be likely to encounter, and where to go for updates (either a status page or a note that you will continue to reply with updates as available.)
    • copy the DUL-ERM mailbox and any other relevant parties (e.g., Dennis Christman if it is EZproxy related.)
  • Request Thomas Crichlow add a banner for the DUL website while the issue persists
  • Follow up on email with details and confirmation when issue is resolved