Checklist for Bindery Revision


Contact: Lesley Looper

Unit: Resource Description

Date last reviewed:  04/30/2020

Date of next review:  04/30/2021

Bindery ABLE Revision Checklist (Update for ABLE Version 7)

This checklist is meant to cover all Monographs–Paperbacks and Rebinds--types of materials processed in ABLE.

Note: Books with torn page(s), please consult with the Shelf Prep Coordinator (SPC) before entering in ABLE.

  • Review title in title slot for spelling; punctuation; *diacritics; length: remove periods and all diacritics; remember to shorten the title if it is too long to fit on the spine.

  • For monograph format [TA1M] check for the author's last name and remove all diacritics

  • Review the call number for correct parsing; vol. numeration; copy numeration

  • Monograph= BUC-Buckram as material cover color unless it's a volume numeration at the end of the call number (set); If there is a volume numeration for a monographic set, the material code is 598-Navy [i.e. v.2, Bd.3, t.3, etc. at end of call number] Exception:  Div. Sch. Ref. set is an exception to this rule (remember if Div. Sch. Ref. set the color may not be Navy 598.  Please check with the SPC or refer to the "Exceptions" Notebook.)

  •  If the monographic set is analyzed, you need to use the set title, not the individual title for the volume; therefore, the title will need to be manually edited (make sure you type in all Caps and check it is spelled correctly without diacritics and other unwanted punctuation. (See at the end of this document about punctuation.)

  • Analyzed monographic sets are mostly for rebind titles. There should be a note on the rebind flag indicating "analyzed". Also there will be paperwork in the book with the analyzed title; author if needed; and what note to add to the instructions area of ABLE. If there is no paperwork, please consult with the SPC.

  • Check the book call number for copy numeration [i.e., c.2, c.3, etc.] If that is included on the book, you need to add it. Remember to check slot lvl for call number when adding additional information.

  • Make sure the owning Library name is included in the call number such as Lilly; Music; Ref; E.A.C.; etc. Remember to check the Slot level in the call number especially if you have added extra lines in the call number. The default is 7 for monographs.

  • Check the book for accompanying materials such as CDs, DVDs, maps, posters, etc. Most of the time they are located in the back of the book; if your item has loose material(s) add a note in the Notes section (see also below under loose material).

  • If the book is Spiral Bound or has punched holes, you need to add a Special note (see list of notes in ABLE or on separate list) such as TRIM INSIDE HOLES.  Remember this would depend on the inner margins.

  • Check book margins making sure there is enough room to trim without losing any print or art work; if there is a margin problem, check for appropriate note.  Hardback Rebinds also need their inner margins checked.  If there is no inner margin to rebind, we need to process it for a KASEBox. 

  • Check for Publisher problems such as being bound upside down; pages not bound correctly; etc. These will require a need special note also.

  • Check book for loose dust jackets; they need to be removed unless it should be Co-Libri. If the barcode is on the dust jacket, you may need to re-barcode. Check with the SPC. 

  • If the book cover has an inside flap:
    • Leave flap if it has TEXT or important Art

    • Cut off flap if NO Text or Art
  •  If book has rush flag, notify flag, or LSC flag, please fold flag and use filmoplast to attach it to the back left side of ticket that will stay with book.

  • Loose material that is a part of the book [i.e., map; poster; bookmark; etc.] will need to be processed by the following instructions
    • If the material is the same size as the book in *height and/or width, print a call number label and place it on the item, and indicate to CB in the  "Instructions" area on the ticket to place material in a pocket at the back. For example, note should read: MAKE A POCKET AT BACK FOR 7 LOOSE MAPS, or whatever number of loose items are included in the book.  Make the note specific for what type of loose material is included with the book so we know what to check for when the book returns.
    • If material is slightly larger than the book in height and/or width, process with call number label as listed above, but also add a note in ABLE: Please add 3/8 inches more to cover in order to accommodate pocket for map, booklet, etc. whichever is appropriate.
*Note: IMPORTANT: Remember to leave loose material in the very back of the book for CB to easily locate it for placing in a pocket. You may need to place the book in a plastic bag so the loose materials will not be lost.

*You will need to do the same for loose material that is the same height, but not the same width, example: bookmark.  When in doubt, please ask.

  • If loose material is significantly smaller than the book and it is 1/8" or less in thickness, it should be processed the same way we do CD's for placing in a pocket after the item returns.
  • If the CD pocket does not fit in the book without sticking out, the book whether unbound or bound, needs to be bound or rebound by CB. Therefore, in addition to *LOOSE MATERIALS--CD note, Please add the following note:

Please add 3/8 inches more to cover in order to accommodate pocket for CD. Without the *asterisk because it is instructions to CB.

Note: the book should never have any loose material that is not part of the book information. Please discard.

Bindery Revision Checklist
This checklist is meant to cover Rebinds monographs processed in ABLE
Make sure everything has been sorted before processing Rebinds

Follow all the above that's applicable in addition to the following:

  • Make sure the barcode is inside on the last single page or the last page of a signature and the old barcode is blacked out
  • Check the book for dog-eared pages and straighten them out
  • If the book has been damaged such as water damage, you will need to add a note: Already Damaged (also add to Aleph; see example on Notes for ABLE note list document)
  • If there is pertinent information such as text, maps, or some type of diagram on the front/back paste down or flyleaf, you will need to make Special Instruction note: (see ABLE note list document)
  • If the spine of the book is no longer attached to the book, it can be discarded.
  • If there is an "ALREADY DAMAGED" note on the ticket, you will need to add the same note in Aleph on the Item screen under the Circ. Note (See Notes for ABLE note list document or follow example below). 

GX call number on books

  • If the book has a GX call number [i.e. GX24945 formerly used for gifts and is usually a rebind] it should appear on the ticket as it is on the book, which means it needs to be edited in ABLE. There is no location needed. Currently all GX call number books go to the LSC.  If your item is a paperback, make sure it has a blue Return Item to LSC flag because the barcode is still listed in Caiasoft (formerly GFA).  However, if it's a hardback and the barcode was changed out, it should have a fluorescent green LSC New Item flag in the book. If there is no LSC flag, please give to the SPC.

    (See below the incorrect way and the correct way GX call number should print on spine of book)

Incorrect (See below for correct way to edit)

Correct way to edit for appearing on spine.


Note: If you have books with torn page(s), please consult with the SPC before entering in ABLE.

Definition: A Paste-down is when information is pasted down inside the front and/or the back boards and a fly leaf is the end-sheet.  You need to make special notes with instructions for CB to preserve the paste-down(s) and fly leaves when they have important information we want to be retained with the book.

Problem: If the pages are marked up too badly with pencil or marker where the text cannot be read, please pull the book and give to the SPC.

Note: If there is anything else to be checked other than what's listed above, see the full revision document or the SPC.

Punctuation In ABLE and other types of situations
What to take out in ABLE:

  • Take out a period (.), a comma (,) and a slash ( / ) at the end of the title.
  • Take out quotations (") from the beginning and/or the end of the title. Leave quotations anywhere within the title.
  • If the entire title is enclosed with brackets, please remove the brackets.
    Example: [SEDDER\TEFILAH\YESHU'AT\YISRAEL] (delete the brackets)
  • If the title has preceding Ellipses (…) or dashes (--) please delete on ABLE.
  • Please delete [sic] if it shows up in the title (ex. Liber sive matricula notariorum comunis Bononie [sic]).  Make a special instructions note to CB that particular word or author is spelled correctly so they will print it exactly as it is spelled on the ticket and not question it.

What to Keep:

  • Keep commas (,) and dashes ( - ) within the title.
  • Keep parenthesis () or brackets [ ] within the title (also for Pers if in the 245 field).

  • Keep the question ? mark within and/or at the end of the title.
  • If the title ends in an Ellipses (…) on the book and dashes in Aleph, keep the dashes in ABLE.
  • Leave quotations anywhere within the title.

Southeast will usually trim 1/8" all the way around.  So if the book has ¼" margin or more, a note is not needed.