Notes for ABLE Web Version 7

Notes for ABLE Web Version 7


Contact: Corrina Carter

Unit: Resource Description

Date last reviewed:  05/08/2020

Date of next review:  05/08/2021


NOTES: The area on the composition record screen in the lower right hand corner is Instructions for notes.  The Bindery notes and the Temporary notes print on the binding ticket.

Instructions: There are 3 types of notes (1)Bindery: Located at the top of the screen (instructions to the Bindery) (2)Library: this note pops up when there is something on the permanent record_(permanent note instructions to staff; used for Per/Serials items) and (3) Temporary: located at the bottom of the screen which can be used for Library use only notes (Remember to use an (*) asterisk for all Internal notes) or it can be used when you run out of space for the CB instructions.

Notes can be typed in all Caps or lower case

Sending Instructions to the Bindery:

Follow the steps below to add notes under instructions:

Click on the Instructions button. Click in the area where the note should appear.

Type the note or copy and paste it from the list of notes in the wiki document or you may choose the appropriate note from ABLE list of notes on the right side of the screen. If you use the ABLE notes, highlight the note. It will not appear in the note area, but it will print on ticket.

Click Apply.

Click Close.

Permanent notes are under Library

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